
Easy Meals for Great Leftovers e-book

Easy Meals for Great Leftovers is filled with quick recipes that allow you to take leftovers from one meal and turn them into something completely different the next day. 

These recipes cut down on preparation time and let you enjoy your leftovers in a new way. For example, a baked fish and vegetable meal becomes a quick and easy seafood chowder the next day.

These recipes have been taste tested and reviewed by Registered Dietitians, chefs and community members so that they are tasty, simple to make, budget friendly and nutritious.

Who will enjoy this book?

  • A student who is learning how to cook and wants some easy recipes.  
  • An older individual downsizing or learning to cook for his or her self.
  • A busy couple, who are looking for quick and easy dinner time solutions.

Get started!  Download Easy Meals for Great Leftovers.


Watch this video to see Glazed Trout with Roasted Vegetables become Seafood Chowder the next day.

Last Update – February 19, 2021

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